Senior consultant obstetrician and gynecologist
Vice president of the Jordanian menopause society
Vice President
Senior obstetrics and gynecology consultant , Clinical tutor at JU
Member of the national committee of maternal mortality
Senior obstetrics and gynecology consultant
Member of the European Society of embryology and Human Reproduction
Financial committee
Consultant obstetrician and gynecologist
Clinical tutor at JU
Member of the Medical council administrative board “Head of the Social Solidarity Fund”
Research & specialized groups committee
Consultant in obstetrics and gynecology
Scientific Committee
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist.
Maternal Medicine and High Risk Pregnancy Sub specialist
Responsible for the Protection of the Profession Committee
Urogynecologist Specialist
Media Committee
OBGYN specialist
Jordanian and Arab board certified
Social Committee
Jordanian board of OBGYN
The Jordanian Society of Obstetricians and gynecologists was founded in 1979 to enable universal and local recognition of obstetric and gynecology practice in Jordan. It advocates continued up-to-date medical practice in the field, in addition to maintaining ethical standards of practice within the medical and social community. The society also aims to provide local practitioners and institutes with diverse international partnership opportunities to support continuous medical education; create research platforms and update them with the most recent advances in the practice.
Today, the society proudly nurtures more than six specialized sub groups with a vision directed at improving accessibility and quality of services provided by obstetricians and gynecologists. This will ultimately serve to equate and elevate the level of healthcare provision to women of Jordan and women seeking health services in Jordan.
Our society also believes in social responsibility and commitment through raising awareness in the community and reaching out to the public through organizational partnerships especially in remote areas suffering from scarcity of qualitative healthcare
Of the Jordanian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in collaboration with The Jordanian British Society for Obstetrics and Gynecology & The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists – IRC- JPS
تحت رعاية جمعية اختصاصي الأمراض والجراحة النسائية والتوليد الأردنية وقسم النسائية والتوليد في الخدمات الطبية الملكية أقيم في فندق الشيراتون و مدينة الحسين الطبية ومستشفى الامل ورشة عمل حول تقنية التردد الحراري لاستئصال الأورام الليفية وعلاج غزارة الطمث المقدمة من شركة RF Medical و وكيلها الحصري بالشرق الأوسط شركة فريج للتجهيزات الطبية، حيث شارك على مدار 3 أيام اكثر من…
أقامت جمعية اختصاصي الأمراض والجراحة النسائية والتوليد الاردنية بنقابة الأطباء يومي الخميس ٢٥-٧-٢٠٢٤ والجمعة ٢٦-٧-٢٠٢٤ يوماً علمياً مميزاً ومحاضرات قيمة عن ” منظار الرحم المتطور وعلاج مشاكل النسائية بالمنظار الرحمي ( advanced hysteroscopy) وتلاه ورشة عمل وحالات متنوعة شاملة لكل الحالات التي يمكن علاجها وتشخيصها بالمنظار الرحمي وذلك في مستشفى الكندي. هذا وقد تجاوز حضور المحاضرات ما لا يقل عن…